
—  Talk, Work and Awards

—  Dra9onRob0t over de 'Moodwall'

'Heeyyyy!!!! That's like 15 minutes from my house!!! 4real!!! I live in Amsterdam!!! I've seen the Moodwall, It’s cool!!! Dope to see it on the Kanye West Blog!!!' 



—  Jury City-People-Light-Awards

'The beams light up and fade away randomly and create a mesmerizing spectacle of light and reflection, making the underpass a more attractive place to pass through.' 


—  Jury 'Gouden Kans'

'Zelden bracht een onverwachte samenwerking - zoals hier tussen een filmproducent, planoloog, architect en visual effects-specialist - een spectaculairder scala aan objecten voort.'

Selected work and awards